The Benefits of Cycling

Mount up ! On 3 June 2018, the United Nations will mark the first edition of World Bicycle Day to celebrate a means of transport that is “simple and affordable, sustainable and environmentally friendly”. This date coincides in France with “the cycling festival”, organized every year since 20 year on the 1st weekend of June. This is an opportunity to look back at various studies that have recently shown the health benefits of cycling.
With fuel prices rising across the board, cycling is becoming more and more obvious ! To go to work, go for a walk and even move, the little Queen is the green and well-being alternative. Cycling offers many benefits. Discover, without waiting, 8 good reasons to ride your bike.
Improves morale and reduces stress
A small Canadian study released last year showed that people who chose to ride their bikes to work came in a better mood and less stressed than those who used their cars. This positive effect also helped cyclists feel better throughout the day, reduce their stress and even increase their job performance. In addition, no more anxious moments in traffic jams, and no more annoying gestures between drivers. You’re sneaking around almost everywhere, in total self-control. There is no better preparation to begin a day of hard work.
Reduces the risk of heart disease
British research this year highlighted that cycling or walking to work can reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke. This large study took into account data from more than 350,000 participants and concluded that workers adopting more active ways of moving reduced their risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 11% and their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 30%. If workers were also cycling outside of their daily commute, they reduced their risk of fatal cardiovascular disease by 43 %. People who used their bikes only occasionally still had an 8% decrease in mortality.
It lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes
A large study by the University of Southern Denmark has shown that cycling can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. After monitoring 24,623 men and 27,890 women, the researchers found that people who regularly cycle were less likely to develop diabetes mellitus. The more they pedalled every week, the lower the risk. The results also indicated that even people who cycle late lowered their risk of diabetes by 20% compared to non-cyclists.
It helps to lose weight
British research comparing the means of transport of nearly 150,000 participants found that cycling was the most effective form of exercise to stay fit and lose weight, more effective than walking. People who went to work by bicycle had lower body mass indices than those who walked, drove or took public transportation.
It’s economical !
At 4 tons of gas per month at more than 60 euros, it is as many nights in an ecogite that you will not be able to book for the next holidays. The bike, a good way to afford a vacation ?
The bike no longer has a cheesy label

On the contrary, arriving at work by bike, will perhaps give you a status of ” hero of the modern times “, when it will not provoke remorse in some (“since the time I say, it is necessary that I get into it too”). And if anyone calls you an eco-retard, think of Natalie Portman. An example among so many other people, who traded in the luxury car for the two-wheeler to walk the streets of New York. Old-Fashioned, Natalie ?
The bike, it’s fun !
Instead of going to grandma and grandpa’s, crammed into the Peugeot, opt for a family walk. Leave the main roads, follow new routes, and let yourself be surprised by details that have never caught your attention before.
No risk to sexual health
Two different studies published this year found that cycling did not affect men’s sexual and urinary health or women’s gynaecological health. The first, led by researchers at the University of California, found that the sexual and urinary health of male cyclists was no worse than that of swimmers or runners. Scientists at the University of California also found that although women cyclists were at greater risk for urinary tract infections, their sexual and urinary function was not affected. They even pointed out that high-intensity cyclists could experience an improvement in their sexual function.
There’s no reason for you to sulk at your bicycle anymore !